Alone in the Forest

One of my favorite things to do is hike alone... Hiking with friends has a lot of advantages and the camaraderie can't be beat but there's something about being alone in the forest that clears your mind of all life's little troubles. I try to do it as often as I can, which ends up being not often enough because having friends along is the much easier thing to do.

On this particular day the weather was really bizarre with snow, rain, sun, and just about everything in-between. It was also the middle of September which around here, is the tail end of summer so to see snow was an interesting surprise. I was hiking along a trail at Hurricane Ridge in Olympic National Park and in-between snow showers, the mist and fog swirled around the hill side unveiling this beautiful scene. Photos of trails has become somewhat of my calling card. I guess you could say it is "my thing" but I just love taking photos of the trails I'm on to capture the experience, nothing more and nothing less.

I'm thinking about creating a series called something like "Trail Tuesday" where I showcase what trails I've been on during the week and possibly get the community involved as well! I would love to see the trails everyone has gone on throughout the week! The outdoor niche here is robust and really involved and I'd love to contribute in some way and would love to hear your thoughts.


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