Travel Photography | 63. My Experience as an Honoured Guest in an Indian Wedding.

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After New Delhi, it was time for the event I originally came to India for. My friend's wedding in Nagpur.

Not to worry, I went back to New Delhi for royal party action with my boys Udai and Anshumaan. You will read about it shortly after this.

A bit of a backstory.

I was on my way from Helsinki to Singapore on train and buses when somewhere in Malaysia I received a wedding invitation from my old classmate and a good friend, Krutika. Naturally, I had no choice but to take a tiny detour from Kuala Lumpur to India.

I did eventually make it to Singapore (where my other friend was already waiting impatiently, I might add). It just took me a couple months since I went from India to China again before I finally arrived at my "final" destination. Those are stories for other posts though.

I am writing from memory (5 years back), so please excuse me if I overlooked some parts.

As promised, welcome to my Indian Wedding Experience!

Getting there

I was going to take the train (because I love trains and wanted the true Indian experience), but I missed it!

I was so angry at myself.

Still, to this date, I have not experienced the Indian train, which is supposed to be one of the best train experiences. I guess there is still time...

So I took a plane.

Nagpur, The Winter Capital

Before, after and between the wedding parties (the pre- post and actual parties), I had some time to stroll around Nagpur and soak in the local atmosphere.

Man, I swear I have never been to a more hot and dry place (and I have been to many places). It was close to 45 and dry. I'm sure this reflects in some of the photos at least.

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As per usual over here, I felt like the attraction. I guess there are not that many foreigners in Nagpur, certainly not like in New Delhi.

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An interesting take on fence security.

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What looks like an abandoned monolith construction site.

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Bicycles are a popular way to get around. I feel like it might be too hot for me though.

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This picture depicts the hotness pretty well, I think.

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Those are wild boars!

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Kind of a beautiful Christian church. Christianity is relatively popular in Nagpur at around 12% subscription level.

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I walked too far in the heat so I had to take a rickshaw back. Pretty cool meter.

The Wedding

I have many, many photos from the wedding but I am not going to flood the post with them. Instead, I will simply present the highlights.

I want to also take a moment to thank the bride and the groom and their family to welcome me to their wedding as a full member of the family. I really did feel so. ❤

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This was my dapper getup for the wedding. I had it made in New Delhi for around 100$ if memory serves.

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I was also given this red turban, which I was told was worn by the most honored guests.

And I did feel very honored to wear it!

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First thing I noticed when arriving at the wedding venue was the explosion of colors everywhere! So, so pretty.

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I was also extended the pleasure to receive the guests by the door. A moment of anticipation before the guests arrived carrying the groom.

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And suddenly the wedding was on. I felt overwhelmed, to say the least. What an experience!

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The welcoming fanfares were trumpeted via this piece of instrument that is called a Kombu, I believe.

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The beautiful couple receiving blessings from the immediate family.

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According to Hindu wedding tradition, the new couple should make seven rounds around the Holy Fire (Agni), after which they are considered to have affirmed the vows they made to each other.

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It was very beautiful.

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After the ceremony, the freshly married couple were decorated with Jaimala Garlands (kinds of traditional Indian wedding leis) and everyone was taking photos together with them, myself included.

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Some more familiar wedding imagery for a westerner 🙂

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The after party rocked too! The food must have been the most amazing Indian food I had ever tasted. All eaten by hands too!

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There was even a fire show!

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Me with the happy couple once more before it was time for me to move on with my trip.

Thank you again for letting me be a part of the greatest day of your lives.

I send you guys my love. ❤❤❤

Stay tuned for the New Delhi part 2/2 where we go clubbing with my friends.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post!

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All photos are my originals.

(First published 30/08/2017 at Steemit)

NEXT POST (Experiencing New Delhi with Friends (part 2/2))

PREVIOUS POST (Experiencing New Delhi with Friends (part 1/2))

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