
I want to tell about faithful loyalty ... this is my personal story I have ever experienced with my girlfriend ... our first time acquaintance him salalu give his attention to me .. if to morning in saying good morning .. if no day he say good day. .. so the day .. until I am comfortable with him ... I am fit comfortably he started to change .... I am so surprised ..and I asked my guy .. why are you so fitting I've been comfortable as well kmu why kmu even changed .. he answered roughly can not you day not sms I'm not t I gk liat me .... I'm so surprised. kok tiba2 so when our relationship again good good aja .. tros I replied I can be denied all requests kmu provided you are loyal to me ... tros night I pengang hp I do not know want chet same who because in the heart cuman he a. .. I'm slow and patient until the morning I contact him..he is not active .. I'm surprised ... tros I open his fecebook he pas I read the status .. you can if you do not meet me same as and we can only see through vidio call ..... I cried alone in the room ... why did not he tell me if he wants kemalasia..why diya sembunyiin it from me .. what does this mean all. .... or weeks then he menghubungin ..... tit tit tit ... I meliat number tlp malasia ...... continue I'm sure if it's him .. I am very happy to see him menghubingi me. ..... continue I lift ... boyfriend: assalamualaikum sayang ... me: walaikum regards syang..pacar: gimna berita anda sayang apa kmu miss me ... me: good dear .... i miss banget love why you bg that's why to malisia not ngaba rin me dear..pacar: I want to diliat how loyal loyal to me .... in keadaab I'm far away and no news .. my: kesetiaanku this sincere just for you a .. and maybe maybe I forget you. ... that's my story ... I hope you guys have the same story ... best regards


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