The wonderful world of macro photography - Part 2

It is pouring outside, my wife is on Facebook complete with cup of tea and cat in lap, my boy is playing the Playstation and my little princess is having a nap. So to kill time before we take them swimming I decided to trawl through my old photos and see if I could add to my collection of 'not so' macro photos that I have already shared with you.

The advent of camera phones has severely impacted my passion for shooting life through a lens. I was once a very proficient amatuer photograhper and the convenience of this technology has made me lazy. I no longer go out searching for great shots, I just take them as and when they appear.

Has this happened to any of you? Do you think camera phones are a good or a bad thing? Is this just a natural progression in the world of photography, just like switching from film to digital. Or are we losing valuable skills?

I now have a week off from work, so I am going to dust off my old camera, get the battery on charge and put some effort into taking pictures. Lets see how they turn out...

All images were taken with my Nikon D40X.






Maple Leaf.jpeg


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