The beauty of Lampuuk Cliffs Beach


On the beach there is a row of pine trees that add to the beauty of this beach.
The big cliffs are also the main attraction of this beach, because there is a uniqueness in which a simple villas are built right between the cliffs.
In the corner I enjoy the silence by sitting by the beach, waiting for the sunset at that time.
Small white crabs repeatedly appeared and slipped between the fine white sand at Lampuuk Beach.

Di pinggir pantai terlihat deretan pohon pinus yang menambah keindahan pantai ini. Tebing-tebing besar juga menjadi daya tarik di pantai ini, karena ada keunikan dimana sebuah vila-vila sederhana dibangun tepat di antara tebing-tebing itu. Tersudut ku menikmati kesunyian dengan duduk santai di pinggir pantai, menanti terbenamnya matahari kala itu. Kepiting-kepiting kecil berwarna putih berulang kali muncul serta menyelinap diantara pasir putih yang halus di Pantai Lampuuk ini.

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