"Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown"

 Hey all!
I just want to start off by thanking you for all the warm re-welcome wishes I got from your all yesterday and all your kind words, you guys are awesome!  

Just thought I’d share a new series that will be released in Girl Magazine next week! This is with model @cyndalmckay who lives in Sacramento. We have been trying to meet up to shoot together for oh, I’d say about three years. When she comes to LA I’ve been in the bay and vice versa so it was so nice when I was up in Oakland two weeks ago and was looking for someone to shoot with and she messaged me. Finally we were able to meet up! Here’s some shots of us cruising around Chinatown in Oakland.  

 I want to start writing posts about how to do photography and how I run my business. I’m not expert or anything, but I’m learning and I’d like to share what I’ve learned with you all. Is there anything in particular you’re curious about when it comes to photography or running your own business? I’d love to know!  

Some topics I have in mind are: using Instagram to make money, curating your Instagram feed to attract more followers, photography 101-using your camera to take well exposed photos, my favorite online tools for sharing galleries with clients and more, how to find new clients, how to ask for paid work, and when to stop doing free work.  

 Thanks loves!  

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