PHOTOGRAPHY #30th Photo Prewedding Concept Playing And Feeling Light [Bilingual]

Good night friends Stemiant lovers of Photography?

Meet again @myiscfocusart in a post about Photography and lighting.
In this pstingan I again discussed about photography that contains elements of light / paint with light, can be called kill ambient light / eliminate existing light and add Flash light.


Tourist Places Location Lhok Seudu Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar

Shutter Speed : 1/1000 sec
Aperture : f/7.1

Using Nikon D7100 Camera Lens 18-105mm, with 18mm Focal Lenght.
Flash Lighting Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N.
Lighting directed at 5.30, right beside me to the right of the camera, flash Full Power 1/1.

Already using Adobe Photoshop, Level, Curves, Selective Color.


Tourist Places Location Hutan Kota BNI Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar

Shutter Speed : 1/3200 sec
Aperture : f/1.8

Using the Nikon D7100 Lens 85mm Camera, with 85mm Focal Lenght.
Flash Lighting Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N.
Lighting directed at 4.00, lighting position from above, Full Power 1/1 flash.

Already using Adobe Photoshop, Level, Curves, Selective Color, and a little extra Blur Galery.


Tourist Places Location Hutan Kota BNI Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar

Shutter Speed : 1/3200 sec
Aperture : f/1.8

Using the Nikon D7100 Lens 85mm Camera, with 85mm Focal Lenght.
Flash Lighting Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N.
Lighting directed at 3.00, lighting position from above, Full Power 1/1 flash.

Already using Adobe Photoshop, Level, Curves, Selective Color, and a little extra Blur Galery.


Tourist Places Location Hutan Kota BNI Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar

Shutter Speed : 1/800 sec
Aperture : f/1.8

Using the Nikon D7100 Lens 85mm Camera, with 85mm Focal Lenght.
Flash Lighting Godox tt600 + softbox, Godox Trigger X1N.
Lighting directed at 3.00, lighting position from above, Full Power 1/1 flash.

Already using Adobe Photoshop, Level, Curves, Selective Color, and a little extra Blur Galery.

In the world of Photography many things we must learn and we will create the most beautiful moments. All is left to our ability to think as strongly as our Imagination in the process of shooting.

So my writing in this post, may be useful for all. Sorry if there is a mistake in the words.

Thank You.


Selamat malam sahabat Stemiant pecinta Photography?

Berjumpa lagi dengan saya @miscfocusart dalam postingan seputar Photography dan lighting.
Dalam pstingan kali ini saya kembali membahas tentang photography yang mengandung unsur cahaya/melukis dengan cahaya, bisa disebut kill ambient light/menghilangkan cahaya yang ada dan menambahkan cahaya Flash.


Tourist Places Location Lhok Seudu Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar

Shutter Speed : 1/1000 sec
Aperture : f/7.1

Menggunakan Kamera Nikon D7100 Lensa 18-105mm, dengan Focal Lenght 18mm.
Lighting Flash Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N.
Lighting diarah jam 5.30, tepat nya disamping saya sebelah kanan kamera, flash Full Power 1/1.

Sudah menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, Level, Curves, Selective Color.


Tourist Places Location Hutan Kota BNI Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar

Shutter Speed : 1/3200 sec
Aperture : f/1.8

Menggunakan Kamera Nikon D7100 Lensa 85mm, dengan Focal Lenght 85mm.
Lighting Flash Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N.
Lighting diarah jam 4.00, posisi lighting dari atas, flash Full Power 1/1.

Sudah menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, Level, Curves, Selective Color, dan sedikit tambahan Blur Galery.


Tourist Places Location Hutan Kota BNI Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar

Shutter Speed : 1/3200 sec
Aperture : f/1.8

Menggunakan Kamera Nikon D7100 Lensa 85mm, dengan Focal Lenght 85mm.
Lighting Flash Godox tt600 + Godox Trigger X1N.
Lighting diarah jam 3.00, posisi lighting dari atas, flash Full Power 1/1.

Sudah menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, Level, Curves, Selective Color, dan sedikit tambahan Blur Galery.


Tourist Places Location Hutan Kota BNI Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar

Shutter Speed : 1/800 sec
Aperture : f/1.8

Menggunakan Kamera Nikon D7100 Lensa 85mm, dengan Focal Lenght 85mm.
Lighting Flash Godox tt600 + softbox, Godox Trigger X1N.
Lighting diarah jam 3.00, posisi lighting dari atas, flash Full Power 1/1.

Sudah menggunakan Adobe Photoshop, Level, Curves, Selective Color, dan sedikit tambahan Blur Galery.

Dalam dunia Photography banyak hal yang harus kita pelajari dan kita akali untuk menciptakan momen-momen terindah. Semua terpulang pada kemampu kita untuk berfikir sekuat mana Imajinasi kita dalam proses pemotretan.

Sekian tulisan saya dalam postingan ini, semoga bermanfaat untuk semua. Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam kata-kata.

Salam Steemiant Salam Photography

BSC Photography

Regard by @miscfocusart
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