My skills improvement (astrophotography)

During my few years of taking photos of night sky, astrophotography, I learned a lot of stuff. Equipment stayed the same, my skills got way better. In that honor, I wanted to show you my improvement during my 5-6 years of taking photos.

Milky 17mm.jpg

Let me start with one of my first photo that I've ever took, that is the Moon. It was taken in 2013. I remember I just used some online editing software to create this kind of cross processing effect that looked fine to me at that moment. And I remember when I took this photo everything looked surreal to me, I was stunned with results. :D

Few years later, about month ago, this was photo of Moon that I took. Much more sharper image, better quality of edit, everything was improved a lot. Learned new skills of taking objects that are far from us.


Then I started doing some star photography, I waited for clear sky and just point and shoot it without any planning, it looks awful now. :D But, this is how you start with everything new to you and later on it will be much better and better.


Then, after few years later, as I said, same equipment made me much much better photos. From taking wide photos of stars I focused on deep sky objects, like this Orion Nebula. Just by taking photos with different techniques I created this photo.

But, first my wide angle shots became better. I learned that I need to put something in foreground to make it more interesting to people eyes, something amazing. I'm really proud of my work and improvement during these years of my photography journey. Feedback from people gives me some direction of my improvement.


To wrap it up. What I wanted to show you is that working and learning new stuff in life will give you much more improvement in your own work, every mistake that you've made helped you see it and fix it with much better "ROI", sort of. :D

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