Walk around the neighborhood.

Recently I've been taking walks with my grandmother around our neighborhood and in most instances I've taken my camera with me.

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I've stumbled on many greats like this one above or this one below.


Once we came across a pomegranate tree. "Look granny! Pomegranates!" I exclaimed.

She ah'ed in content. "These are the ones I've been looking for. You know, if you pick a red one and keep it in your room, they say that it will give you luck for the whole year."


On our many walks, I find many wild flowers that I never really capture. On the same day, there was a patch of wild flowers and weeds. The scene was pefect. The rays of sunshine seeping in between the stems. Fresh summer wind. Golden hour.


Sometimes we ignore the wild for the simple fact that they are wild. Why do we do that? I understand wild flowers brings weeds which are a total nuisance, but that shouldn't take away from the beauty the flower still has.

It makes me think of how sometimes we treat people. Sometimes because people are so different and unfamiliar to us, we are scared to reach out or those who bring weeds with them, we discard them.

So if you ever pass by some wild flowers, admire them, appreciate them, if it wasn't for someone naming them wild, they would be considered just flowers too.

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