Local Community Is The BEST For Your Business


Social Media has given people the illusion that, despite having built no meaningful ties outside of a single post, we're deeply connected to each other. Don't get me wrong... "Upvotes" and "Comments" are awesome (even more on Steemit than ANYWHERE else!!) Yet even the best online relationship has barriers that a physical, one-on-one live relationship usually has no problem overcoming.

Point in case. I was trying to get my son to school this past Monday when, to my great frustration, I discovered that the battery on our Ford Fusion was DEAD! We had to be at school in 15 minutes, and we live 10 minutes away.

My wife was across town. In-laws were unavailable. Short of calling an Uber to come bail me out, there was little chance that he'd make it on time until... I did something I don't usually think of doing.

I looked at the house NEXT DOOR.

My neighbors. I've known them for 10 years, and yet aside from a few brief conversations coincidentally walking together to collect the mail, we've never talked much.

I rang their front door and the elderly lady (early 70's perhaps) opened with a smile. She said she'd be happy to drive us to his school, and in an instant of quick thinking... we were saved. I should point out that my son was a little disappointed, believing in his 10-year-old mind that he would be allowed to simply skip class that day. :)

Why do I share this story? Because so often in our businesses, we feel inclined to reach out to all sorts of folks online and cultivate relationships. And yet we frequently don't know all the people on our own street. At least, I'm guilty of this... Am I the only one?

I live in sunny, warm Arizona... it's a BEAUTIFUL part of the world! And there are so many people to reach out, shake hands with and do business with RIGHT IN MY OWN BACKYARD.

Sure, I love being able to click a button and extend across oceans to engage with people I'll likely never have the privilege of meeting face to face. But I also have learned a valuable lesson... while it's important to extend whatever message we're passionate about as far as we can, we must also be sure and take time to fellowship with those within distance of a firm handshake and warm embrace.


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