Jalan Simpang KKA-Bener Meriah In Memories

In the past, before the Simpang KKA-Bener Meriah Road was paved, I had passed by using a motorcycle. At that time the road was still rocky, not as smooth as it is now. The left of the right path is also still bushy with trees and other jungle flora thriving along the road. There are not as many humans now. No cars and trains have passed by. Quiet. Quiet. Except the cries of jungle voices playing joy.

Now no longer, the voices have been lost somewhere. Except the roar of a vehicle that breaks the silence of nature. Frankly, when I now pass that way again, I miss the nuances of the past. There are shady and lush trees along the road. There was the sound of birds chirping.

But all that has died.



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