A short story in the life of a little seal in Iceland. ( It gets cute :')

Swish, swish, swish. The tail propels the animal downwards as it scans its surrounding, looking for small fish. The water is cold, but the thick skin around this creature lets it waddle around this Icelandic glacier lagoon like if it was a nice warm hot tub.
Suddenly, the seal lion hears something to its left. Turning his head towards the sound, it spots five or six cod. This is the ultimate prize! It must get at least one. Little seals need feeding and this momma hasn't eaten for days. Mustering what strength it still has inside, the mother seal frantically beats its tail. Gaining speed, she targets the cod which is farthest from the rest. It spots her.
Now the race is on. The cod is escaping faster than a sniper bullet. The mother seal will not stop now! Around and under glaciers the two competitors swim. The cod is fast, but the mother has motivation only mothers understand. Suddenly, the cod disappears, it has been snatched. The mother seal grips it tightly with her jaws an she wont let go! Munching down on her prey she feels content again. Now she has enough strength to feed her babies for a couple more days. She can rest and regain her strength.
Click, click, she hears. These noises intrigue her. They are coming from the surface. With a full belly, she swims upwards and breaks the surface of the water. She looks around. "What are all those tall objects on shore?" she wonders. But then, just in time, before she submerges again, I press the shutter. A beautiful moment...

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