
Autumn colored ferns

People love flashing titles and labels. Some titles are earned with hard work and dedication. Some assigned, borrowed or bought to appear more glorious and impressive to others. Enforced prestige and classes of society. It is not the titles or the labels that matter nevertheless. It is the use of our values, motivations and abilities that really make the difference. All of these can be improved, changed or dropped. Nothing is set in stone for one on the journey of progress and growth.

Are you peacocking with your flashy feathers? Is that really necessary? Ever wonder what imperfections and flaws are hidden behind the dance? Did you really let it go to your head? Certainly some achievements should be celebrated, but actions speak louder than words. No. Works speak even louder. So keep working, crafting and leveling up. Not for them, for yourself. Sooner or later the real deal will be noticed and appreciated without the dancing.

Song of the day: Skott - Wolf

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