Mood effecting photography?

This will be short, sweet and a little different direction than previous posts
I edited the following photo two different times. Both edits I like, but depending on the day or time, I like one over the other. But WHY?

IMG_20170407_141531948_HDR.jpg edit 1.

IMG_20170407_141508476_HDR.jpg edit 2

I think it has to do with the mood I am in when I view the picture. Similarly, I have found that my "subjects" I choose to photograph (of which are always wildlife or outdoor landscapes) also seem to change based on my mood. Although, I am always at least content when I'm outdoors, some days I'm relaxed, other days I feel adventurous and that seems to shine through in my photography.

Do you experience similar things? Does your mood impact your creative expression like your photography, artwork, music, or writing on a daily level?

As always, thanks for reading!

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