

Learn to be the best friend for yourself, lest you become your own worst enemy.

Belajarlah menjadi teman terbaik bagi diri sendiri, jangan sampai kamu menjadi musuh terburuk dirimu sendiri.

Learn to give thanks from about well in life. Learn necessarily stronger than on the bad in life.

Belajarlah mengucap syukur dari tentang baik di hidupmu. belajarlah lantas kuat dari tentang buruk di hidupmu.

Learn to give thanks from the good things in life. Learn to be stronger than the bad things in your life.

Belajarlah mengucap syukur dari hal-hal baik di hidupmu. Belajarlah menjadi kuat dari hal-hal buruk di hidupmu.

Learn to paddle your own canoe. (Proverb)

Belajarlah mendayung sampanmu sendiri. (Proverb)

Learn to think big, but the practice to be happy with small things.

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