Spring Plowing

It was an absolutely gorgeous day on Sunday and my friend and I went out bike riding. (It’s been back to rain and overcast for the last few days so I’ve got some time to do some writing)

We didn’t go that far because it was the first real ride of the season. I had to pump up the tires and get the feel for things again plus during the winter you tend to slack off a lot and your body is not used to exercising like that. I think I did well considering.

Out in the field a farmer was plowing the soil getting ready for spring planting. The birds were all swarming around and being noisy. I think they were eating the bugs, worms and or potatoes that were being churned up from the ground.

Plowing Fields – click for viewing full screen

Part way through the ride we took a break and my friend bought me a latte. The baristra just poured it straight into the cup and it came out with this neat pattern. It is really fun getting coffee served in a real cup like that. So much of the time I just get it in a to-go cup and never really spend the time to enjoy drinking it with a friend and having a conversation.

Latte – click for viewing full screen

It looks like I might actually get a lemon off my tree this year. As you might recall from a previous post the lemon tree harvest hasn’t exactly been stellar in the gloomy Pacific Northwest weather. The poor tree struggles along and drops all of its leaves trying to make a lemon.

The smaller of the two lemons on the tree dropped off last night after getting slightly yellow. It is about twice the size of last years lemon crop so I guess that is progress. The big lemon is still on the the tree and maybe, just maybe it might be worth eating with some luck. The tree is putting on a bunch of new leaves, I think the increasing spring time light is perking it up.

Lemon – click for viewing full screen

I’ve been getting the soil prepared for my garden and should be planting soon. It is feeling like spring and the days are getting warmer.

Thanks for reading! I always value your comments and support. Photos were taken by me with my Galaxy S7.

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