Photo journaling of the evening

We had a really fun time recently going out to an evening live jazz concert by the bay. I always like visiting areas close to the ocean.

I took a few photos that evening. The restaurant had a nice outdoor venue and the temperature and weather were perfect for the concert. Here’s some flowers on the tree branch by the outdoor stage:

Flowers on a tree branch – click for viewing full screen

Here’s the path leading down towards the concert area:

Flowers by the side of the path to the stage – click for viewing full screen

The concert was very fun and something you really need to just be there to enjoy. Nice food, drink, pleasant music.

Part way through I grew a little tired though and excused myself to go walk about. I found this interesting old factory by the bay. I wondered if it is still being used in any way and what it was for.

I could almost imagine a team of Oompa Loompa’s working non-stop inside making cod liver oil or something while bats flew in and out of what looked like broken or open windows. Lol, strange thought I know...

The old factory by the bay – click for viewing full screen

All this Oompa Loompa activity needs lots of power. As in electric power. Just up the block was this big electric thing-a-ma-jigger that I thought was interesting. I liked the gold colored insulators and the birds nest looking wires routing all over. Probably not the best thing to be living next to 24/7 though.

Power as in electric – click for viewing full screen

Later on that evening the old factory and sky really started to look interesting, especially after Google Photo’s added some digital effects. I found myself wondering, “Is this really plant Earth?” LOL.

The old factory at dusk – click for viewing full screen

Anyhow, back to reality. I hope everyone is having fun out there and doing wonderfully.

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+ with some modifications done in the digital darkroom using GIMP and Google Photos.

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