Model Railroad – Electric Engine

Here’s one of my favorite photos that I took of my friends model railroad setup. I like the way the period housing and car looks in the background with the focus primarily on the electric engine. These types of engines were in use at the time as an alternative to steam engines.

I even remember riding on the electric trolley cars in San Francisco as a child. I don’t think there are many electric train engines in use today, at least in my country around where I live. Diesel train engines and long haul trucks became more widely used.

With modern technology it seems like electric train engines could be made very low polluting and recover kinetic energy on the downhill through breaking. Trains in general are much more efficient in moving heavy loads and cost less to maintain the tracks as opposed to heavy trucks. Perhaps electric train engines might make a comeback someday, especially for shorter passenger trips.

Tim the electric engine – click for viewing full screen

The little bits of dirt clinging to the tracks and top of the model make the engine look very realistic. I could imagine it being on display somewhere like some of the older steam engines that you can find occasionally.

There is a bit of a back story with “Tim” the engine that my friend explained to me. The model engine was originally put together by his brother but was not completed before he passed away. My friend inherited the engine and put some finishing touches on it and painted it.

I think it is very nice to be reminded of how much things in the past have been a part of everything that we experience today. I hope Tim the engine will continue to remind future generations of their link to the past.

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright 11/02/2018 lightsplasher & litesplasher.

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