The power of nature Vol. III - Serbia

Good evening my dear friends,

Today i sent prizes to lucky winners of my first Give away content and i am very proud of it.
In near future, i will try to create another Give away content. I want to help steemit and all users here.

Every day i learn something now on steemit. Section "cryptocurrency" is very interesting, and i am planning to invest money in some new coins. Right now, i am looking at Tezos. What do you think about that cryptocurrency?

Also, i started to work on my online store. I am trying method called "Dropshipping".
I am going to sell "Wood watches".
Is anybody here in "dropshipping" business?

And now, i want to continue presenting the nature in my country. We are small and not rich country, but i think we have soul.

How Much Do You Know About Insects?
"There are millions of kinds of insects in the world and most of them we tend to not like around us. Still, there are an important part of the ecosystems they live in..."


2 Do you like mushrooms?
I am always ready to try new mushroom recipes.


3 Do you know what is this?
The million-dollar question.


4 For all girls here...


5 Beautiful sunset.


I hope that you have enjoyed my new pictures.
It's 10:20 PM right now in my country.
Before i go to sleep, i want to ask you all, what do you dream about?
What is the most important thing for you in life?

Sweet dreams to all of you!

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