May I introduce you to: Schröder and Maggie.

Everyone loves them: cat pictures. Well, they're not arty but I want you to show my and my parents' beloved cats.

This is Schröder. In German you would expect it a name for a tomcat but Schröder is a she. We didn't know that at the beginning though. I love her green eyes. Sometimes she's a bit derpy. But that's okay.


Maggie on the other side is a mature lady.

Maggie 3.png

I did say it: Derpy.

Schröder 3.png

She tends to be stressed out easily but here Maggie is just enjoying herself.



Her eyes. <3

Schröder 2.png

My mother cares a lot for her garden. Love it there. Honestly, sometimes I visit my parents' house only to pet the cats. But psst!


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