Birds of my garden #6 Halls Babbler

Probably my favourite avian visitor to the garden the halls babbler.

We have a family of halls babblers who've nested in one of the trees at the back of the garden for the past couple of years. It's fascinating to watch, as the whole group (I'd guess about 8 birds) all work as a team to raise the chicks in one nest. I'm guessing that the offspring from the year before all hang around and help their parents raise the next generation. I confess this is all guesswork however and I haven't heard of any other birds who have a similar breeding strategy. If anyone knows better than me feel free to elaborate in the comments.
I suspect (another guess) that the birds get their name because of there incessant chatter (babbling) to one another. They always appear to be in a group with at least one on "lookout duty" which makes getting close for a photo tricky. Hopefully as time goes on they'll learn to tolerate me more and I'll be able to get ever closer in search of a better photo.

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