Spending The Day In Green, Lush Environments | Beautiful Norway

Antioxidant shots, and roasting salmon and bananas on the fire..

When my pulmonary rehab were coming to an end last year, we were so lucky to get to spend a day on a beautiful island which is located in the largest lake in Norway, Mjøsa. This island is called Helgøya, and we had a wonderful time there.


Before we got to the island, we made a stop at a really beautiful farm called Alhaug farm. I think this must be one of the nicest places I've been to. At least the nicest farm I've seen. They didn't have any animals there, but they were actually growing and harvesting black currants. I've never seen anything like it.


I love Norwegian nature, and especially when everything is so green and lush. The weather was nice, and I got to spend the day with awesome people making new memories.


Clearly they weren't ready to be harvested just yet.

When we arrived at this farm we got an introduction about the farm's history and how they make it work today. After the black currants have been harvested, they make a juice out of it. They call it an antioxidant-shot. The reason for this is because when the food authorities were doing some tests on the berries, they found really high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants. And that's why they recommended us only to take one shot instead of mixing it with water.


This juice is very popular and we were also told that the royal family has a permanent order on this juice, and they also sell it to numerous restaurants in Norway.


I'm not kidding, their houses were surrounded with black currant plants.

Walking around on this farm was an absolute dream. I wish I could visit this place again. Maybe during the harvesting season. That would be so cool.


Imagine living in a place like this. Away from all city life, to peace and quiet at the country-side. Well.. let's be realistic here, I think I'd be bored after a few weeks. But I'd never say no to spending a summer here though.


After spending a few hours here, we got on our field-trip-bus to Helgøya (yeah, it felt like we were on a school trip). We settled down on this camping site and stayed here the rest of our trip. I think this is my favorite part of my stay at pulmonary rehab. Everything was perfect.


The people hosting our trip had brought lunch and a few games we could play outside. We made a fire, and started preparing our food.


Since eating heart-friendly food was a part of my rehabilitation, they had of course brought this delicious salmon for us to roast on the fire. Have you ever tasted Norwegian salmon? If not, you should definitely do that if you get the chance. Norway exports tons of salmon to many countries worldwide.



This was so good, and I get hungry just looking at it. I think I'll be making salmon for dinner tomorrow..


We also made dessert. And to my disappointment, no chocolate.. But it was still good though. We roasted apple and banana, and put vanilla yogurt on top when it was done.


Since I'm not that into playing games, I went for a walk with this little guy. He's name is Gangster and belonged to my physiotherapist. He was very old, and sadly he passed away a few months later. He was always joining us at our hikes, and I was told he walked at least 5 kilometers a day. I bet that's how he got very old. My physiotherapist is very active, which also made Gangster a very active dog. Rest in peace my little friend.


This is me, happy and healthy.. and getting a little sunburned..

A wonderful day making new memories with people I had only known for a few weeks. It's crazy how attached you can get to people in a short amount of time. I'm still in daily contact with the girls I shared a house with. Even though their not my age and we live far apart from each other, I consider them my sisters. And I can't wait to see them this summer.

I hope you liked my post and photography. And as always, all feedback is very much appreciated!

Have a nice day Steemians!


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