Fall Kitties 🍂


Hi, Steemit 👋

Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend, it is just another cold morning here in Detroit, fingers crossed, the sun shows up through the clouds and the weather gets a lot better 🌞


I bet you guys have missed my kitty cats a whole lot, I don't blame y'all, they are real cutie pies 🥧 haha. Yesterday when they were out in the yard I thought, you know what, I am going to go out there and snap a couple photos of these beasts! Haven't done it in quite some time. I'd like to think that both of them had fun having their pictures taken haha 😹


I edited these photos with my VSCO Kodak presets in Adobe Camera Raw, a big thanks to my husband @matt-a for getting them for me 💓

I really enjoy using film camera presets when editing animals for some reason, there's just something about the combination of colors that really makes the images pop and do it for me. But maybe it's just my kitty cats being so photogenic, they're pretty good models too.

Sometimes people ask me how I get my cats to sit straight or act certain way in photos. In my opinion, the best thing to do is to observe your pet and let it do whatever it normally does while you capture the moments. Occasionally, I use treats and catnip (that only works for one of my cats) but this is mainly when I shoot food and want a little furry visitor in the frame. If you want your pet to be the star of the image, then it's best to just wait for the right moment because you're never going to get it to do what you want haha sigh. The great thing is that you can always try again 😻

Stay warm, friends ☕


artwork by kookyan

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