Viva to Viva; a photo story w/ Asian pinup, Lynda!

Early morning for many of you on Steemit, but here in the midwest, I’m just about to end my day. I’m leaving for LA and Vegas early Sunday morning. Tomorrow is my last full day in Minnesota till almost the end of April. I’ve been taking care of last minute things at home. Dealing with an iPhone screen replacement crisis […which is fortunately sorted at this point], and fitting in some MTG games with @tarotbyfergus, @vermillionfox, @dartstrife and @iamredbar. I even managed to see @ghostfish tonight for some horror projects.

I’ve also been cutting through the last of my owed work. Maybe not the “last” of it, but definitely the work I’ve owed the longest. Sadly, I’ve been trying to finish a handful of clients before Viva Las Vegas, from last Viva Las Vegas! The double slam of @wcpublishing’s Dark Pinup book priority and this endless bear market left me six months or more behind on editing. @vermillionfox and I were talking today about a workflow that would allow her to help in my editing. Just waiting on Adobe to release Photoshop for iPad Pro.

The photography I have to share tonight is of Lynda. An absolutely beautiful, sweet pinup that I met during Viva Las Vegas, last April. She’d contacted me months before the Rockabilly Weekend festival. She was one of my last shoots of the trip, a total of 33 in two weeks. Lynda’s personality and genuine appreciate for what it is I do, really snapped me in to a creative headspace. My friend Ralph offered us his speakeasy to shoot, which made for the perfect backdrop for the looks Lynda had brought with her.

We found interesting solutions to lighting challenges. One of the things I love about Ralph’s speakeasy is his interior design and decor. Everything is midcentury modern, but the colors on the wall and much of the fortunate is warm, almost golden. It’s easy for me to capture and bounce light. Lynda took direction so well, I was able to execute shots that would have been very difficult otherwise. Looking at these photos and spending the last couple of days with them, reminds me how energized I was to shoot with her.

The good news is, I’ll be seeing Lynda again in just over a week. She’s going to be back at Viva Las Vegas and I’ll have the chance to work with her a second time. I’m endlessly grateful for her patience. She is what I’d call a dream client, for sure. LA and Viva trips are daunting but it’s nice to know I have her company to look forward to. Thanks for reading. For more photography, art, illustration and the stories behind the work, follow me here @kommienezuspadt.

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