Angel Wings


I go through phases with my photomanipulation art. When I started it was all about Cyborgs (hopefully I'll get around to posting those), then it was angels, everything fantasy, and now I've moved on to Smudge Paintings and photo restoration. Here are a few of my favorite angel photos that I worked on last year. The first one (above) being my gorgeous cousin Carmen.


During the beggining of my photoshop craze, I was learning everything from Rafy A tutorials. I followed step by step on his Fire Wings tutorial, and then deviated on a few things to make it more my own. In this project, I used a photo of myself, and turned the fire blue.


The little girl above is my daughter Ellie. I created this for her 6th birthday. My mom bought her a new dress, and I wanted to make something elegant and a little old fashioned looking.


This last angel is my other daughter, Korra. What a cutie! She loved the dress because she felt like it made her look like Belle, from Beauty in the Beast. :)

I will probably make my way back to angel pictures. Next time, I think I will use a guy as the model.

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