BW Lake Day - Without The Sunshine #292

The mountains, lake and/or ocean, beach, valley, city, all in once place? A place you live at that feels as if you're out in the country far far away from everyone else but you could walk down the street so many shots selling goods from one end to the other, go out of your back door to the beach and enjoy BBQ after taking a swim or drifting out on the water with your boat. Maybe Talk a hike up in the mountains across the street from your house that has 100s of trails leading all over the place. That would be one special place wouldn't it be?

Maybe you like the marina atmosphere and live right above one that you can just walk down to the restaurant and have dinner. While not all have restaurants most of them have a store of some sort so what a great excuse to talk a walk and enjoy the beautiful scenery alone the way. I know of people who just don't like the water and want to be way up in the mountains away from people with a lot of privacy but I think at the end of the day they want that human connection with other people so for me I think its more of a balance.

Have your place up in the mountains but have a place in the city. In any case I hope everyone find the place they love to live at and while many of us will learn it was a nice dream they would of learn the next step to the pursuit of happiness and maybe living in a bit city skyscraper penthouse was what they really wanted all along. Who knows but that's the point isn't it. Did someone say house boat? hmm something to think about.


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