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Everyone knows what it's like to feel lonely.

Nowhere is this more prevalent than in the elderly. I spent a lot of time working in old folk homes when I was younger. I almost feel like everyone should have to do this for a while. I learned a lot from talking and listening to the elderly in my care.

I also, unfortunately, witnessed many of the elderly being ignored, scorned, and treated like little kids.

In one case I even witnessed horrific abuse (the perpetrator was caught and fired).

The elderly have so many years of wisdom they can share with us.

And it's incredibly sad and unacceptable that we live in a world (in the West) where elderly people are often dismissed as useless and ignorant.

This needs to change.

I believe that people who have jobs where they are looking after our elderly should be paid more, and highly screened. I also believe that more money and time should be spent on ensuring that it's easy for the elderly to stay integrated and connected with society.

Other than this, I don't have any answers though.

Do you?

photo by @johleen

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