Inspiration in the Beautiful Twilight

Hi guys,

To see the sunset or when the new sun comes out, we must see it at dawn or dusk in the sun at sunset. this phenomenon we can see by going to where the climb can indeed be a point to see it. Here, you can see the beautiful sunset in the west with a reddish light. The scenery is more beautiful with the effects of thick fog around the hill and crisscrossed mountains.


The sun being set will be more beautiful if you see it from the side of a hill or being squeezed by the middle of the hill because it will menghaailkan visible object memika. From here we will see a very beautiful panorama of light rays. This light will slowly cover the mountain by leaving a glowing light of trees.


It is very nice if we can see this phenomenon, indeed if we do not enjoy it this atmosphere has no meaning and beauty, but it is this kind of thing inspired many people to the creator of this universe.




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