United States: Russia is training militants for attack in Palmyra


The Russian Defense Ministry has said that the trained militants are preparing to attack the historic Palmyra city of Syrian central Homs province. The ministry said the extremist detainees arrested from Syria have leaked this secret plan.

A year ago, the Syrian army restored the city of Palmyra from the extremist militant group Daish.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has reported that two militants, detained by groups of 'Lions of the East Army' belonging to Turkey-backed Free Syrian Army, have reported.

Detained militants said they were captured by the Syrian army on the way to Palmyra from the 'Tanaf' base of the US-led coalition.

A detained militant said that US military officers provided their military training and their weapons were delivered from US military base. Their responsibility was to create a scare in the public by scattering in different populations on the path to the Pallamry route, so that within the next week, a strong troop of 300 militants could capture the city by ambushing the ambush.

The US government sent troops to Syria on a pretext to fight anti-Daishi forces, who were once active militant groups in Syria. However, America did not have any role in the overthrow of this militant group from Syria.

Syrian army evacuated Daish with Russia's military cooperation and the advice of Iranian military advisers. The 'Tanaf' military bases of the US are located near the northern Rukban refugee camp in Syria.

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