Good evening, hiveblog users. I'm going to tell you a story about when me and a friend went to Zambales to do important things, and I'm going to share street photography, macro photography and landscape photography. The photos can be found further down.



This three photos of street photography were taken while I was on my way to Zambales, soo from Manila to Zambales it takes 6 hours before we arrived in the destination area, while on the traveled I decided to take of the Picture of the street, but I did not ask my friend to stop the car for taken Pictures of the street, instead I put my cellphone beside of the window glass of the car and took a picture of it. The other two photos are exactly the same. Fortunately, I have this very good shot, and I'm using a Huawei Nova 5T smartphone for my street photography.


I photographed this mini fly from various angles and was awestruck while doing so. I had previously read Shreya Sharma's short story "THE FLY THAT FORGOT ITS NAME." "The Fly That Forgot Its Name" is one of the best short funny stories for kids. Once upon a time, there was a fly who enjoyed working and assisting others. A fly was flustering the floor with gum on a festival day. It had forgotten its name while working. "Can you tell me your name?" " it enquired. It flew for a long time without stopping, questioning everyone in its path. And that's what confuses me. It could be the reason, but it's just a story, and we don't know the truth.



I was overjoyed to have these photos of the grasshopper and the ants taken with my Huawei Nova 5T.I took a picture of it.

When I was a kid, my mother and teachers used to tell me stories about
A family of ants was bustling around in the warm sunshine on a bright day in late autumn.
They were drying out the grain they had stored up over the summer when a wandering grasshopper, his fiddle under his arm, came up and humbly begged for a bite to eat.
"What?" exclaimed the ants, surprised, "haven't you saved anything for the winter? What in the world were you doing last summer?"
"I didn't have time to stock up on "Any foods," grumbled the grasshopper; "I was so busy making music that the summer flew by before I knew it,"
The ants shook their heads in disgust.
"Were you making music?" they exclaimed.
"All right, now dance!" and they turned their backs on the grasshopper and went about their business.
There is a time for work and a time for play, as we have learned from this story.




When we arrived at the destination area, which is the name of the place zambales, I saw a simple rest house and some religious houses, and the air is much more natural than if you stay in the city.
Zambales is very close to Zobic, which is one of the most popular
touristdestinations in the Philippines. We pass by Zobic but don't stop because we don't have time, and another reason is that we don't have a budget for chilling its pandemic. We also have problems, most notably the Odette typhoon last year, which caused our old house to be completely destroyed. Now my family is overthinking how to build a small house or a cheaper house for our temporary shelter because it is very expensive due to the pandemic.

I also took photos of their dining area, as you can see the dining area was covered with a mosquito net, because we both know provinces have a lot of mosquitos, and it's really good they have that kind of idea, it's really natural actually everything was natural everything is made of wood, and the most thing I like is very comfortable here natural air the nature everything



They also have religious history about where Jesus Christ started, and they make small shelters for an illustration of what the Bible said when Jesus Christ burned. This type of situp is common in Roman Catholicism, especially during the Christmas season. We believe that the 25th of December marks the birth of Jesus Christ.

This is the end of the story, thank you for taking the time to visit my hiveblog, I hope you enjoyed it, I'm making this hiveblog to share my story specifically to earn some money for my family house destroyed by typoon Odette and also for my self support studying, any kind of upvote will be greatly appreciated, stay safe to all hiveblog users and to all our relatives, and have a good day to all.

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