University of South Florida Botanical Gardens

Today, I decided to go with one of my friends to the University of South Florida Botanical Gardens. Here is one of the shots I took using my Canon 80D camera, using a 15 -75 mm lens.


To this day, I still find the butterfly to be one of the most interesting creatures on Earth. At one point in their lives, they are a creepy, crawly insect, inching around at slow speed.

However, through metamorphosis, become a flying insect with such beauty and grace. When I see one, I always think of the scene in the Blockbuster movie, "Patch Adams" starring the late Robin Williams. In the movie, Carin Fisher, the love interest of the main character, says she wishes she could be a butterfly so she could fly away from all the memories of abuse that she experienced. When she dies unexpectedly, the main character, Patch, takes it hard so he decides to kill himself. He doesn't, though, because he sees a butterfly flying around and settles on his hand, signifying that Carin is now free of the horrible things in life that occurred to her.

I think we all can relate to that. Sometimes we wish we could be someone else and wish we could change ourselves. But if we truly look inside, you'll see that you are unique, just like the butterfly in the picture above and that is a beautiful thing that we should never want to escape from.

May we all find the beauty in our uniqueness and in the same token, appreciate wonderful creatures like this beautiful butterfly.

One love,


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