"Chiaroscuro Tattoo" by Jerry E Smith


Memories, like a tunnel through the greenwood,
Flowing with dark waters and earthy smells.
Seemingly quiet, if you really listen, the soft wind
Can be heard, Susserrating through the trees.
Bird calls echo, frogs splash and croak.
The water, colored dark red by the tannin of
Tree roots and fallen leaves, flows slowly by.
Just as the river meanders through the floodplain,
My memories of years gone by, flip from one scene
To another in a schizophrenic dance of happy and
Sad, the ‘chiaroscuro’ tattoo of life. The splendid
Interplay of events and emotions is what molds
Us and forms us, for good or bad.
Embrace it.

“Chiaroscuro Tattoo” by
Jerry E Smith


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