Photo(s) Every Day: 3 Days Compilation (16 to 18/365) - 13 Photos!

Through my camera lens, I'll tell you my story. Showing the world as I see it. Whether in full color or in black and white. Caught in a photo or two, a collage; A bit of my story, one day at a time.
© J C A L U M P I T

Since the 3 consecutive days has been uneventful, I will put them in one post. Here it goes! My life.


Most of my day was spent inside my room. Editing, looking through, and sorting out my cluttered photos. It was fun just to sit down and actually look through old photos that have been stored in my external flash drive for 8 years. It gives back memories and nostalgia. I ask myself on how time has flew. I remember taking this similar photo (first photo below) 6 years ago.

Everything was so new to me. The environment, the people and the aroma of the Baguio City. The weather was cold and rainy during my first month here in Baguio.

Time flies by everytime I look at my old photos. When I looked at the clock, it was already 5ish P.M. I almost forgot to take photo so I went out to the balcony like area of our dormitory and took a fast shot of my school.

Look at the rainbow that formed after it rained. The weather was still gloomy but it was enough to get a rainbow.
The rainbow is quite indistinct but it was still something to watch as the sun was going down on the other side.

Beautiful sunset view even after a rainy day.

Look at those clouds. It seems like it still have rain in them. The hill with houses is Aurora Hill. I have to show it to you guys in future posts. It is amazing how it looks on a clear cloudless day.

A close up view of the windows of University of Baguio. The first floor that you see on the picture is actually the 2nd floor which is the dental infirmary. This is where I spend my time during clinic hours. Waiting for patients. Listening and catering to their needs. All our learnings (hands on skills) are honed on this floor.


One of our requirement for the practical part of our dental training is being able to do a Orthodontic-Pedodontic case. Our case was a bit harder than usual. My partner and I have been working on our case for 8 months now. We had to extract 2 baby teeth due to carious lesions. Her teeth (Upper Primary First Molars) were already necrotic when we got her approved 8 months ago. I have to pick her up every time we need her for her appliance fitting and installation.

This is her school, Saint Louis University (Elementary School). Rain was still pouring like there is no tomorrow. We were soaking wet when we arrived in my school (UB).

Every day, you see parents pick up their children at around 3 P.M. - 4:30 P.M.

Parents patiently waiting for their children.
I was fascinated by the different colors of their umbrella so I took a shot.


Rain drops on the ground. Big rain drops. How fun. I always love this type of weather. It brings back good memories from my childhood.

Whats with a day without nature photography. I was afraid to take out my camera because of the rain. Cameras and rain doesn't go well together haha.
I had to make sure that the rain was not strong and I had my umbrella at the right place. I don't want water getting into my DSLR.

Love the window of the building. Simple architectural photography maybe?
Look at those kids waiting for their parents.

We had to check her Pendulum Appliance because she broke it. Her excuse was that it broke when she was eating rice. Hmmm...I didn't think of the same reason though. She probably ate something hard which caused the appliance to break.

We had to remove the appliance then prepared to make a new one. More expenses for us. If that is what it takes to finish the case, we will do everything even if it breaks again.


I spent my day just hanging out in the dental infirmary today. Just getting the most of my days in the school. Mingling and relaxing with friends that I have not talk to in a while.


Look at those Christmas decorations. Simple but colorful. The christmas spirit is here.

Night photography. I had to take out my tripod for this photo. I needed stability to take this photo. My arms and hands isn't a good choice so tripod was necessary.

Center Mall. The closes mall to my place. This is where we play bowling and where I used to go for cheap movies. I remember watching movies for 2 USD (100 pesos) in this mall. So cheap and that was only 5 years ago.

I was inspired by @gamer00 to do a One Photo Everyday (OPED) challenge. I have done a similar challenge in the past but I wasn't able to finish them. The furthest I have done was 300 days. Today will be a new day because this platform is better at providing support to do a daily photo for 365 days.

Thank you for reading my daily photos. If you read this blog, I dare you to do the same and capture your surroundings and daily where about. You might look back one day and glad you documented your daily life for a year.


+ Week 1 - Photo(s) Every Day: Life Blog Weekly Update (1 to 7/365)
+ Week 2 - Photo(s) Every Day: Life Blog Weekly Update (8 to 14/365) Week 2 Edition with 10 Photos
+Photo(s) of the Day: Family (15/365) - 10 Photos!

Date of Post Today: 11/20/17 - 11/22/17


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