Dragonflies Are Ancient

Came across a dragonfly at work, which made me curious. The tail reminded me of a scorpion, which prompted some research. Here is what I learned about this cool looking species.

  1. Dragonflies are ancient.
  2. Dragonflies are aquatic.
  3. Dragonflies breathe through their booty.
  4. Predators eat 90% of young adult dragonflies.
  5. Dragonflies have two massive eyes, as you can see in the picture I took. These eyes give them excellent 360 vision, and they can see more colors than humans.
  6. Dragonflies are exceptional at flight.
  7. Male dragonflies sex organ is around the 3rd segment of his abdomen, while his sperm is stored around the 9th segment. He has to transfer the sperm to the organ before mating.
  8. Male dragon flies are not cool with other males creepin around their women.
  9. Dragonflies colors make them conspicuous.
  10. The tail? Contrary to what I thought the wicked looking tail is not a sort of stinger, but Screenshot_2017-09-12-13-09-42.pngserves as a clasp. It is used to grab the female by the head during reproduction.
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