A Failed Project


November 2017. I was about to start a project focused on the architectural contrasts in Athens center. A friend of mine was the sponsor and he asked to follow me during the first day of shooting. I wasn't happy about this unexpected solicitation as I usually work alone but I finally accepted him to come with me just for the first day. Thus we arrived downtown a bit before sunset and I chose my first spot for a fast test-shoot as the light wasn't good and that day the urban pollution was at its highs. I took the first photo (this one) after a short walk around the selected spot while my friend was following my steps like a hungry dog... After what I asked him if he agrees we make a pause for an espresso in a small coffee shop on the opposite sidewalk.
-Ok, he told me, let's go but first I want to see this photo you took...
-I ''ll show you the photo along with the one I ''ll take from the cafe, I mean from the opposite sidewalk, I answered a bit annoyed.
-Oh, come on, show me now buddy, I m so curious to see the raw photo... he insisted
-No, I replied testily and added to a softer tone: I would like you to understand that I m working right now I m not a tourist with his buddy... please respect the way I work...
-Ah, you really play the artist! replied sarcastically.
-I don't play the artist, I am the artist, I said really angry.
So as not to bother you with the pointless dialogue we had I will mention only the end of that day that is no more than a failed photo! A failed photo in my opinion. Because my friend's opinion when we met each other in my studio the day after was very positive, despite the quarrel of the previous day... However, I didn't accept to continue this project as I prefer to keep a friend than to keep his money. Something that I clearly explained and eventually he accepted it. Which means in other terms that we can be good friends but not good business partners. Here is the photo of this day of November 2017, the only one of a failed project. Do you like it?

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