10 surefire approaches to get your most keen ever photographs

Tip 3. Continuous autofocus
When this camera focus option is selected the camera will continue to focus the lens as long as the shutter release button is half-pressed, or the AF button is pressed.

This makes it a very good option when photographing moving subjects because the camera will continuously adjust the focus distance as the subject moves round the frame.

Advanced cameras such as the Canon EOS 7D Mark II and Nikon D500 have options that enable you to specify which AF points the camera will use to track the subject as it moves about in the frame.

Some even allow you to specify how quickly the camera should respond to changes in subject distance to avoid the subject going out of focus when a stadium pillar, for example, momentarily blocks the view.

When using continuous AF it's usually best to set the starting AF point manually so the camera knows what the target is before it starts to track it.

If you like shooting sport or fast action then make sure you check out your camera's continuous AF options.t5EokuAcaP6cPhwi69SV3T-650-80.jpg

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