Evening Walk Along The Lake Shore

Like most evenings, I don't like to sit around and do nothing productive. I don't feel as great if I can't find a time to go outdoors to the fresh air at least for a little while. Especially now when the days are really long. This evening around 3 weeks ago was no errand. I wanted to get outside and walk somewhere. The weather was also nice and warm, not like right now we have here in Estonia. We literally have +2 degrees Celsius and it was snowing in the morning, what kind of May is this. Feels more like in the middle of March.
Anyway, I decided to walk along the shoreline of the lake in my home area. This is so close to my place but I don't go there too often for some reason.


To reach there I first must cross some fields.


On the field, I stumbled on a very sad sight. On the otherwise clean field, there was this huge pile of junk that someone has brought. Like fuck, is it really too hard to pay a couple of EUR fee and bring it to the waste station? I have zero respect for people who don't respect nature at all. If I knew where they live I would throw this shit back to their garden.


After a disappointment against the human race, I moved forward to walk along the shores of the Harku lake and took some photos on the way.




At some point, I was blocked by flooding. The snow had melted a little while ago and also the ice on the lake. This rose the level of the lake quite a bit and flooded some nearby roads so I had no way to move forward.


...then I just walked back home, end of the story :D.


Have an awesome friday and even more awesome weekend!


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