Summer Trip - Photography #6

Hi everybody,

This summer me and some of my friends are going on a journey around the country to celebrate our graduation and experience new places and people!

Me and two other friends are passionate about photography and we thought that it will be cool to share other photos we took throughout our journey.

So, I decided to post them on SteemIt, every day form now on, as long as we find an internet connection.

I hope everybody is going to enjoy them and the story behind each photo.


From last post, we were at a medieval fair yesterday, where they started a huge camp-fire!
This is the last photo from yesterday, sadly.
Today we are on our way to visit an old, but beautiful city, nearby.

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We also gone for a hike in the mountains, while in our way to the old city.

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After approximately 6 hour of walking, we finally reached the city, by this time everybody is extremely tired.
We rented a room in a hotel and after I finish this post I'm going straight to sleep, we are so tired right now.

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I don't know, should I put more photos in one post or should I stick with 5-6 photos per post?
Let me know!

I hope you enjoyed!

More photos and stories coming soon!
Remember to follow me @goodhunter to stay updated!

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