The Flame Tree

Wikipedia entry

The flame tree is in vivid bloom at the moment in my area. One particular tree that I drive past every morning always catches my eye.

Yesterday I was inspired by @thekittygirl lovely red and gold Autumn photos to go and take some photos. It is the middle of summer here, but the colour should be familiar.

The trees start out unassuming and blend into the background, but bit by bit they loose their leaves to these incredibly deep red berries.


This last photo doesn't really do it justice as it is at the bottom of a slope so you see the spread of the tree from a top down angle against a gorgeous backdrop.

Lastly the trees end up looking pretty bare and out of place as if they are just waiting for a snowy back drop, however I will have to wait a few more weeks to show you that image.

I was also able to take a picture of this cat tail grass which I thought was pretty cool image

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