I havn't even really been doing much lately on steem , i have thousands of photos that need to be uploaded but its fucked sorting threw them.,

I just been speaking my mind, something that we all should do, cos at the end of the day who gives a fuck what someone thinks, you dont wana pretend to be someone your not, because then you never get to experience who you are ..!IMG_3664.jpg

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." dr seuss.. one my fav quotes

Sure you might loose some friends along the way , but you will gain many more , respect is a 2 way street and never respect someone who dosn't respect you back , stand up for what you believe in , but be open to discussion and the thought that you may be wrong, dont argue with a idiot because even if you win you loose, cos they are to dumb to change there mind anyways ..

focus on what you want in life,and what you have, not on the negative and what you dont have !
This is one of my shots printed on canvas hope you enjoy, i dont normally show people my best photos , and dont kno if i will ever show my favorites to anyone , something odd about me i kno , but you kno what i dont give a fuck, hope you enjoy ,strive and prosper ..
Peace billzo

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