The Lost Roll: #2 Portobello Market

I discovered some old rolls of undeveloped film and had them developed. Among them was a roll of Fuji Provia 400 slide film, which was cross-processed in C41. Some of these images produced interesting results.
When cross-processing, the results cannot really be predicted, so you sort of leave things to chance and see where the chemistry takes your pictures. This is an image of Portobello Road market in London. The change in colours caused by cross-processing makes things look a bit more surreal. Compared to the bowl of fruit, the grain is more pronounced and less homogenous. Interestingly, the dynamic range is greatly reduced and as you can see the process blew the highlights. It might be prudent to underexpose by one stop when doing this again in future. However, while the saturation is very intense, it almost looks like it could still be natural. This is an interesting effect of Provia, as previous experiments with cross-processing other slide film delivered far crazier colours.

"Portobello Market" on Fuji Provia 400 cross-processed in C41.

This image is my original work and may be freely reproduced, as long as I am quoted as the source.

Visit @gentbynature for more on film photography!

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