“Las Delicias” hill: Natural wonder with a beautiful view.

Hello, friends! Today I want to talk about my exercise morning at Las Delicias hill, located at the north of the City of Maracay, Aragua state, Venezuela. This beautiful place is very close to the Marriott Hotel (Called before Golf Maracay Hotel) which is why many people call this hill "The mountain of the Maracay Hotel." And I'm one of those people😅
As you go up, you get an incredible view of the city of Maracay, which also allows you to see in the distance the Tacarigua’s lake which is also called the Valencia’s lake; but once you are at the top, the view is much more magical, as you can see in the picture, and it’s practically a visual reward for having traveled the 12 km to the top, and I must say that if you aren’t in the best physical condition, it will be the longest route in the world, however, the view is still as beautiful at any point of the mountain.
In fact, climbing this hill brought many memories to my mind, since 3-4 years ago I never would have thought that I could reach the last station of the route. Many times I tried to go up until the end but due to overweight problems it was really difficult for me. That day, already with a better physical condition, I was able to achieve my goal of reaching the top.
It was a total pride for me, you can’t imagine the tremendous happiness I felt being in that natural wonder and admire my city from above, with my sister ( @eliarenas) and my best friend ( @pankeka), whom I thank infinitely for accompanying me in this adventure.
And as a tradition of any maracayero or visitor who reaches the top, we took our respective picture on the container of the last station.
And of course, we took our crazy pictures and full of jokes Hahaha😂
I swear we tried to be fitness and stay true to the diet but the snacks and the candies are so delicious😅😂
I admit that when we were eating the snacks, the people were impressed and laughed with our crazy ideas of pictures and the fact of having brought snacks to the mountain, a place where only fitness people go (and not so fitness) and who generally only bring with them water and some fruits, it was kinda weird.
This was an unforgettable and very pleasant experience, and I would love it if everyone could experience it and enjoy it as much as I did.

I hope you liked my post and have enjoyed the pictures. Greetings!💜

Disclaimer: All the pictures presented in the post belong to me, they were taken with a Samsung SL202 camera on February 18, 2018.

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