To me, flowers are happiness!

Short visit to my grandparents garden/ Scurtă vizita in gradina bunicilor mei

This weekend I took time to visit my grandparents after a good time. Daily jobs and activities make us increasingly diverted from what really matters, in my case, to have loved ones beside me. It had been a few months since I had not been to see my grandparents. Each time they are waiting for me with open arms and tears in the eyes of happiness. This is unconditional love. But today I will tell you about my grandmother's garden! An oasis of relaxation! These flowers that you see in the pictures are in this garden. I do not know their name and I was not curious to ask my grandmother what they call, but one thing is certain! They are particularly beautifully colored and make you wonder how nature has created such marvels.
Weekendul acesta mi-am facut timp sa-mi vizitez bunicii dupa o buna perioada de timp. Joburile si activitatile zilnice ne fac sa ne departam din ce in ce mai mult de ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat, in cazul meu, sa am persoanele dragi langa mine. Trecuse-ra cateva luni de cand nu am mai fost sa-mi vad bunicii. De fiecare data ei ma asteapta cu bratele deschise si lacrimi in ochi de fericire. Asta este o iubire neconditionata. Dar astazi va voi vorbii despre gradina bunicii mele! O oaza de relaxare! Aceste flori pe care le vedeti in imagini se afla in acesta gradina. Nu le cunosc numele si nici nu am fost curios sa o intreb pe bunica cum se numesc, dar un lucru este cert! Sunt deosebit de frumos colorate si te fac sa te intrebi cum de natura a creat asemenea minunatii.




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