Abandoned Shit Weekly Contest - №.19 - 'Black & White!' Casino Constanta!

Abandoned shit contest! #aswcontest Constanta Casino


Ce pacat! Acest faimos cazino sta abandonat intr-o stare avansata de degradare de zeci de ani! Zidurile stau sa se prabuseasca, tencuiala cade de pe pereti, geamurile sunt sparte, acoperisul este ruginit, vopseaua nici ca se mai cunoaste. Este un paradox ca un asa faimos monument sa ramana o ruina de atatia ani. Nu stiu de ce nu se doreste renovarea cazinoului. Mii, poate chiar milioane de turisti viziteaza anual portul din Constanta, respectiv trec pe faleza unde este amplasata aceasta bijuterie ruginata. Majoritatea turistilor straini spun ca este foarte pacat ca nu se se face nimic in acest sens si spun ca si-ar dorii ca atunci cand vor revenii sa il poate vedea functional si sa il viziteze si pe interior. Daca in trecut, aici erau prezenti baronii, acum singurii din interior sunt pescarusii. Am ales aceasta imagine simbolica a ceea ce a fost odata Casinoul din Constanta pentru #aswcontest! Sper sa va placa ce vedeti desii sincer as prefera ca acest monument sa fie unul modern, nu unul abandonat si in stare avansata de degradare!
What a shame! This famous casino is abandoned, in an advanced decay for decades! The walls are collapsing, the plaster falls off the walls, the windows are broken, the roof is rusty, the paint is no longer known. It is a paradox that such a famous monument remains a ruin for so many years. I do not know why the casino renovation is not wanted. Thousands, maybe even millions of tourists visit the port of Constanta every year, respectively pass the cliff where this rusty jewel is placed. Most foreign tourists said it is a big shame that nothing is done about it and they say that when they will come back they want to see it functional and visit it on the inside. If in the past the barons were here, gambling a lot of money, in the present the only ones inside are the seagulls. We chose this symbolic image of what was once the Casino in Constanta for #aswcontest! I hope you like what you see frankly I would prefer that this monument is a modern one, not an abandoned one and an advanced degradation state!

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