More Spring Flowers and Gardening

It is back to raining and overcast today, but it has been sunny a lot recently and the flowers are all still growing nicely.

Here’s a close-up of some of the flowers on the trees where I like to walk. The color was enhanced by Google Photos:

Here’s another view of the trees. Someone has planted many of these flowering trees all over a lot by the side of the path. I’m not sure what type they are but they look wonderful this time of year. The photo color was enhanced by GIMP:

Here’s the wide angle view of the same photo, where you can see the walking path. It is paved and wide enough to drive cars on but they are not permitted here, except in emergency. The were several rabbits along the path in this area. They usually freeze in place hoping that Dog-oh and I don’t see them and then go bounding off into the bush if we get too close.


Garden Update
Here’s some of the blue flowers growing in the front garden. I like the color and find it very meditative to look at.


Below is a picture of the garden containers on the back porch.

I really like these garden containers and have already harvested a lot of good food from them. (Mostly from last season) The lettuce grows really well and it is easy to keep things watered by pouring water down the tube until it runs out the bottom. A reservoir in the container keeps enough water so that the plants don’t need frequent water and yet aren’t over-watered.

Having the containers up on the porch helps keep the slugs an snails off of the garden plants and you can easily move the containers around if the weather changes.

The front garden has been doing very well too. I have been filling up the potato bags with soil as they have been growing. It looks like the potatoes will produce a lot this year.

The fig tree survived the winter and didn’t die back to ground level or anything. There are actually two tiny figs on it and some new leaves coming out. It is pleasantly surprising considering how small the tree is and the fact that it was just planted near the end of the last growing season.

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Blu R1 HD

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