Trying to find the time...

So, I made my introduction post and have lurked around here a little bit observing from the safety of my office chair. I have tossed around ideas of what to post. I am a musician, I am a photo enthusiast, & I am a family I suppose it is best to stick to what I know.

This is me.

I have selected several photos from my collection since I started shooting somewhat regularly that I will be posting individually soon.

What is the music scene on here like? The music scene on facebook, or at least where I am, seems to be like a billboard service - "hey, like your sound! Come check us out at such and such bar this friday! Tell your friends!". I mean, you have to promote to a point, but you should want to LISTEN also. I don't know...I just like music.

Anyways, bedtime is calling. Still looking forward to a unique and interesting experience here!


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