Long exposure photography! with guide!

Canon 6D - EF 24mm 1.4L II at f/1.8 iso 100 for 0.8 seconds

Long exposure means to leave the camera with the shutter open to capture light. And it's movement.

Look at the water, it looks like it's flowing because the light had time to "impress" the sensor with movement. It's really a controlled blur!

Canon 6D - EF 17-35 2.8L at f/2.8 iso 6400 for 30 seconds

Astrophotography is a skill of it's own, I'm really a noob here. You've got to account for lens errors like coma, aberrations, distortion, find the correct angle and place without artificial lights, then the digital noise from the sensor will destroy your picture, and last but not least, the Earth WILL rotate in 30 seconds or more, making the stars leave trails!

Canon 6D - EF 20mm 2.8 at f/22 iso 100 for 120 seconds

This is easier than it seems. Just found a bridge with lots of passing cars under and a good spot for the tripod. Close the diaphragm , lowest iso and whopping 2 minutes of exposure. Voila!

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