Magical Winter Morning


Imagine sleeping in late and waking up to these views.

I didn't wake up to this either, because I sleep downstairs, but as soon as I saw that faint red hue, I run upstairs with my camera. Mom was still in bed when I entered my parents bedroom and opened the window to take these pictures. She wasn't too happy about the -10 degrees Celsius winter air rushing in..

I was going to post the second part of pictures from the winter garden, but I couldn't wait to share these pictures with you first! This is why I love the countryside, I get all these beautiful views and light without even having to leave the house. In the city my view is an ugly yellow wall of the opposite apartment building, it's depressing as hell. Here I keep my camera near and loaded all the time so when there is a magical light, I'm always ready. Quite often I go outside in my pj's and the first pair of shoes I can find, usually my dads, that must look pretty funny to people who might be driving by.

I have so much winter wonderland pictures to share with you in the coming days, brace yourself for the cold.





I took this last picture through a frosted window, I though it made an interesting effect so I wanted to share it too.

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