I Think Smoking is Sexy


Skilled hands, lighting a match, smoke trailing in the air. Listen closely, can you hear the crackle?

Deep slow breaths. Eyes half closed. Lips parted. Lost in though, or in a deep conversation with a stranger.

Looking in to her eyes through the light smoke screen. Drunken smoke filled kisses after the last call in a bar.


Disclaimer: I don't smoke on a regular basis, never have, though I enjoy smoking. I don't think the smell it leaves on your hair and clothes is sexy, nor is the stained teeth or lung cancer, just to be clear.


This is not the post I intended for my "come back", but I ran into some serious problems with the other pictures. I had these pretty cool neon self portraits, with not so great quality to begin with but when I uploaded them to Steemit, they turned in to an unusable grainy mush. I tried seemingly everything, different image sizes and ratios. Nothing worked :( So basically they are trash only suited for Instagram. Go lurk if you're interested. I'm pretty pissed because apart from the actual image quality, I really really really liked the pictures. Back to trying, failing and learning->

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