The Orange-tip! My favorite butterfly!

Hi steemians!

The Orange-tip (Anthocharis cardamines) is a spring butterfly. I photographed this one in May on a photo trip in Sweden with a friend. This one just hatched I believe. It was really young and small and not afraid of us at all. Normally you can't photograph butterflies so close up in the middle of the day. They will fly away as soon as you get close. However, this one sat still and enjoyed the sun. We spend like an hour or so photographing it.

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I love the way the orange tip looks. It reminds me of a road or world map of some kind. In this picture you can't see the orange tip because the wings are closed.

Here is a close up.

Isn't it amazing how close you can get with a camera. That is why I love macro photography so much. You can photograph things you normally would never see in daily life. This is my favorite butterfly of all the ones I have photographed so far. Simply beautiful!

Keep on creating!

Johannes R.

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